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James Farrar is the Founder & Director of Worker Info Exchange (WIE). After leaving a career in tech James became in activist for worker rights in the gig economy. He was the a claimant in the landmark worker rights case against Uber recently decided in favour of workers by the UK Supreme Court. James founded Worker Info Exchange having realized that surveillance and hidden unfair algorithmic management would be the next stage in the battle for worker rights in the gig economy. WIE has gone on to successfully litigate against Uber and Ola Cabs to secure worker access to personal data and protection from unfair automated decision making.


Cansu Safak is the Research Lead at Worker Info Exchange which she joined in 2021. Cansu has experience in investigating artificial intelligence and data driven technologies, particularly in the fields of policing, welfare and public sector procurement. She previously worked with the Ada Lovelace Institute, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Big Brother Watch.


Sidra Zabit-Foster joined Worker Info Exchange in 2023 as Digital Rights Caseworker. Sidra has a background in outreach and advocacy work, predominantly in community-led organisations. Her own research explores state and corporate surveillance, policing, and community methods of resistance.

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